The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011)

Listpost | 2019.04.01
Top ten games

A long while back, J sent me his top ten video games of all time per an ongoing discussion about such matters. It took me some time to furnish my own, but I have at last.

Listpost | 2017.12.27
J's top ten video games

As avid historians of video games, J and I have a pretty good depth and breadth of experiences. This'll be my first attempt at a list feature [l], written in 2019 but backdated to 2017 when he actually authored the list. Also it's actually a top eleven due to a last-minute addition/re-think.

The list demonstrates a pretty good breadth of experiences, I like that it covers the sandboxes, the RPGs, the cinematic games on rails, and of course the MMOFPSRPGs.

Storypost | 2011.11.23

At least that means it's a good time for Skyrim.
So... Skyrim.
Fallout with swords, as the kids are calling it. For sure the games have a very similar look and play style, but Skyrim does advance the Bethesda formula as you might expect.
In F3 you leveled from kills and quests and thereby gained skill points. In Skyrim you level skills just by using them, and this levels your character (granting you perks). It's better, though it diminishes the value of completing quests.