Gallerypost | 2005.06.06

E3 2005 Sony booth PSP Los Angeles Electronic Entertainment Expo

J and I went to E3. The real hot tickets seemed to be n-gage, Sega, and Marc Ecko's Getting Up.

E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo lobby E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo NGage Nokia E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo Nintendo DS booth E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo Sega booth
E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo PSP Sony Shadow of the Colossus E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo Square Enix booth E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo SOE Star Wars Galaxies cinematic E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo Microsoft XBOX 360 booth E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo Twighlight Princess
E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo XBox booth E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo digital art display pixel E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo Marc Ecko Getting Up demo E3 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo Mario Strikers demo

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