Storypost | 2009.03.15

Deck support post replacement

I had quite a few visitors this weekend. The main project - other than good times - was resupporting the deck.

Renovation deck support post removal sawzall

1. Remove every other post.

Deck support post replacement rebar removal angle grinder

2. Grind away rusted rebar previously used to align posts.

Deck support post replacement hole hammer drill

3. Drill the concrete for the new anchors, 5/8" or 3/4" or something.

Deck support post removal Simpson strong tie anchor epoxy

4. Fill the hole with epoxy and sink the bolt, allow to set overnight.

Deck support post replacement Simpsons strong tie anchor bolt holes

5. Torque the u-brackets to the concrete, level the new posts and bolt them with 1/2" galvanized hardware.

6. Mime strange things.

Renovation deck support post replacement floor jack

7. Raise sagging parts of the structure as necessary.

8. Drill and bolt the tops of the posts.

Renovation deck post replacement

9. Start over with the opposite sides.

Deck support post replacement before after rot

So a moisture barrier is pretty important. The next step will be to skirt the new posts in brick to make the assembly more visually appealing.

Buying a hammer drill for the job was not exactly a feather in my cap, but it defintely made short work of the concrete - about a minute to sink the length of the bit. My newfound ability to anchor to concrete opens possibilities in the difficult pursuit of a pool enclosure. I need a means to deflect falling leaves from the southernmost few feet of the pool. The pool vac handles them just fine, but I dislike cleaning the filter every few days.

Traditional pool covers will simply dump the leaves and such into the water when they are folded or rolled up, so an above-water solution is ideal. I'd considered a canopy, though not many can accomodate the 12' width of the pool. Such a structure would have the benefit of providing shade in addition to leaf protection. Anything with a roof and walls is an asset to use of the pool heater, though I wouldn't want the area permanently enclosed.

Being able to affix something to the concrete around the pool means I could do something that resembles a pergola, but with the potential for a roof and/or walls. This would look better than a canopy and provide a platform for great things ranging from outdoor lighting to volleyball net posts.

This weekend's roll call:

Ostrich egg


Catherine (sp?).

Ostrich egg



Ostrich egg


Cat ostrich egg


Ostrich egg Heismann pose


Ostrich egg flex kinda weird tbqh

Patrick Swayze Jon.

Ostrich egg



So that's an ostrich egg, slated for scrambling tomorrow morning.

The final presentation for photo is Wednesday, so I've printed a few more things. Here are some film shots from the March 7 autocross.

Autocross Miata


looks nice, real nice. what s with the post at the top of the stairs behind swayze? i don t remember there being one there.

I think you need a hair cut

now what did we learn about zone metering? i see what you didn't do with Kim ze cat photo!

I see no Christine + egg!


Stuff you Bobby! That pole has always been there. It was originally brown and has since been planed and coated to match the ceiling beams.

I see R2D2 in one of the photos.

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One of these weekends I'll mortar some brick bases around the pillars. But at least I have a well supported deck.

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There was a scnax event this weekend. I stopped by to shoot a couple rolls and a few megs. The contact sheets are looking promising, we'll see if there's anything I can use for the final.


Having brought in the railing to align with the support pillars, there was an extra bit of usable space around the edges of the deck. So I turned it into planters.

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