Listpost | 2010.02.10
Starcraft II would have better been titled Starcraft I.I/3, in that it wasn't much different from it's much earlier predecessor and only contained one of the three campaigns. Still, the cinematics were pretty cool and a little creepy. |
This has all the essential Skyrim in one shot: a sneaky archer, companion, and mountain goat/horse sizing up a dragon with snow-capped peaks in the background. There is most assuredly a small cave entrance behind that tree leading to an extensive cavern system *persuasion 100*. |
Getting a PS4 meant I could easily take screencaps of console games and my blog was forever changed. Destiny had amazing graphics and the play mechanics, just not a lot of content. |
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A monster going full Jurassic Park 2 on Sahn Diago (well just one frame because time lapse), igniting a fire that goes full gender reveal on Sahn Diago. |
Far Cry 4 in a nutshell. That game was pretty. |
The most iconic character from the most iconic DLC from the greatest shooter-looter of all time. |
Why I loved Planetside 2: the map, the tactics, the classes, the air battles, and the purple spandex. |
A scene out of any Fallout installment, this one happened to be #4. |
The whole division vibe right here - cover shooting with tech powers and neat Tom Clancy-y animations. Gritty post-pandemic street scenes and the PVP Dark Zone. |
There's nothing more Warframe than a stock Mag being taxied by a couple of fashionframed allies. |
One of the coolest moments in all of gaming. |
Pristine views and great character development in The Witcher 3. |
Left 4 Dead 2: co-op, zombies, gas cans, and zip-tied suppressors. |
Left 4 Dead + Assassin's Creed = Dying Light. |
The Dying Light DLC was a good one and culminated with this frightening creature. |
Seventy hours before the mast - Rebel Galaxy felt and played like a pirate game set in space. |
My first game with photo mode. A moveable camera and depth of field was a great way to capture the sometimes-beautiful, sometimes-desolate world of Horizon. |
Sea of Thieves ship battles were an experience unlike anything previous. They would culminate slowly as the aggressor would give chase and then peak with a well-balanced battle of captaining tactics, shooting, and boarding. |
Playing PUBG with 85% seriousness has provided more squad gaming fun than anything else that I've played. |
Essential Far Cry 5 right here: wingsuiting toward a statue of the cult leader 'Father', remote Montana as the backdrop. |
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xlivA backyard Super Bowl party and some Axis and Allies Anniversary Edition. |
Garage doorsSwapping out old garage doors and figuring out how to pipe body sprays the right way (closed loop). |
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Favorite screencaps, 2020-2029Here are screenshots from this decade that I like technically, aesthetically, or nostalgically. You may notice the post is at the beginning of the decade, I've chosen this as a convention so I can keep a running post for in-progress decades. |
Favorite photos, 2001-2009A compendium of my favorite photos from this decade. |
Favorite photos, 2020-2029Here I present the photos from this decade that I like technically, aesthetically, or nostalgically. You may notice the post is at the beginning of the decade, I've chosen this as a convention so I can keep a running post for in-progress decades. |
Games of the Decade: 2018 - Tales of the AggronautWe are getting towards the end now, two more years to go in this decade worth of gaming. I am finding it as I get more into "recent" history I am having way more trouble narrowing things down to a handful of games. For 2017, 2018 and 2019 I wound up with massive lists, I ... Read more |
Kagirinaki Tatakai - Ephemeral EnigmasThanks to ambitious features such as destructible environments, Kagirinaki Tatakai provides a level of cerebral action that's unrivaled compared to its peers at the time and it's an experience that never ceases to impress... |
Spoiler-Free Review: Horizon Zero Dawn | Don't Worry About the VasePreviously:Spoiler-Free Review: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (plus a Spoilerific section),Spoiler-Free Review: Assassin's Creed Odyssey This review of a giant open world game is being written on July 7. That's three days after the review of Witcher 3 was posted. You can guess it's not going to be a ringing endorsement. Horizon Zero Dawn seems to... |