Storypost | 2010.10.26

Flag football flag a tag belts

Flags are in. Probably game zero this Saturday.

The upswing in fantasy fortunes continues. Last week's victories came from having solid teams, this week I benefitted from breakout performances (two from players off the wire). I've learned to diversify my lineups, particularly on account of the players that are common to a few of my teams (DeAngelo and Portis).

LEG: 40 from Britt, 114-93 » 5-1-1 (2/12)
MeG: 47 from McFadden, 110-71 » 3-4 (8/14)
AFL: 39 from White, 125-90 » 2-5 (5/5)
SBH: Fail, 75-89 » 2-5 (4/5)

Of course, the winning must continue to recover from the rocky start.

Virgina fall leaves turning yellow

I capped the month of travel with a weekend in dc. J and I played through Mario Galaxy 2 and Reach on legendary with some firefight. Virginia is rather colorful right now (above photo is straight off the camera), so we stopped by Shenandoah National Park to do some casual photographies. I didn't realize how dangerously close we were to West Virginia.

Airport Virgin America Virginia Shenandoah National Park driving leaves turning motion blur Virginia Shenandoah National Park leaves turning yellow Virginia Shenandoah National Park leaves turning yellow

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