Listpost | 2010.01.10

Wave Shipstern Laguna Seca Corkscrew mirrored trophy truck Swiss Alps

Here I present the photos from this decade that I like technically, aesthetically, or nostalgically. You may notice the post is at the beginning of the decade, I've chosen this as a convention so I can keep a running post for in-progress decades.

The last one can be found here.

E3 electronic entertainment expo 2010 mech
I'm not sure which image captured peak-E3 vibe better: the sit-in mech for a game that didn't go anywhere or the pregnant zombie booth babe. This was peak video game degeneracy.

I braved the paintball crossfire to spend some round shooting a team builder. This shot worked out.

Mud dive splash
Hamming it up for the camera during a muddy flag football match.

Fallen snowboarder deep powder
Epic amounts of snow in Tahoe that year.

Valentino Rossi Ducati corkscrew exit Laguna Seca 2011
More or less nailed the pan.

Bioluminescent water swimming
A swim off the pier during bioluminescence.

Pool party nerf Russian roulette
Nerf Russian roulette at the League of Sport pool party - carefree summer days.

Mexico cenote dive cave stalactite cavern
Caves, darkness, pointy rocks, halocline. Cenote diving is something else.

Blind Lady Ale House Cape Run 2013 San Diego
Ty pretty much nailed his pose for the Blind Lady Ale House Cape Run.

Dog eating treat trick triptych weimaraner
Manual focus + high shutter speed + a good doggo. There's a third frame if you click through.

Napali coast Hawaii Kalalau trail hike backpack
It's kind of just another pretty beach photo. For me, it's one of the few shots from my Kalalau journey that doesn't make the soles of my feet recoil in horror.

Baby portrait
And so began my side gig of shooting birthdays and xmas cards.

World Cup Brazil 2014 USA Portugal Manaus street American Outlaws
Mine and Ryan's Brazil trip had some great photo ops, I think this walk to the Manaus stadium best sums the experience.

Night surfing surf glow sticks
This was the year I upgraded to an Ikelite underwater SLR housing. While night surf photography has never been easy, the new gear enabled much better results.

The following month I was able to recruit in an off-camera flash mount.

At one point I took a look at my underwater housing setup and thought, "What if I took nightsurfing photos but, like, in the daytime." Summer/fall waves aren't impressive, but there's nothing wrong with a nice clean ride in warm water.

Kafka's first snow trip.

Composite photo from the truck race at the Long Beach Grand Prix.

The surreal experience that is the Hawaii manta dive.

This one really captures the hardships and perils of suburban backpacking as we endeavored to taste at every Miramesa brewery in one weekend.

The Gold Cup match at the Rose Bowl was classic US-Mexico, and not in a good way.

Neat rockhopping at The Ranch.

I like the ominous illumination on this one.

A cool panorama from a weekend trip into the hills.

Snowboarding Mount Hood view Oregon
The top of Mt. Hood doesn't have especially good skiing, but it has quite a view.

Maui swimming
Diver's (surface) view of Maui.

Lauterbrunnen barn field Alps
My favorite from the Europe trip, it's a touristy photo but captures the beauty and verticality of Lauterbrunnen (and Jes).

Stay tuned, in ten years I'll post my next installment.

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