I hit the big one. Luckily this game is co-op so I didn't have to do it alone.
Thanks Rob for the early drop of photos. |
Jes put together an awesome party; there were appetizers, desserts, beer, games, and bubbles.
Wood treatment
Last time I mentioned maybe hitting the veranda with linseed oil.
The sun is pretty quick to destroy fencing around these parts (see above) and termites are not far behind.
I'd already hit all the wood with a water-based stain/sealer, but
looked around online for other views on wood preservatives. Somebody mentioned that the home remedy of using motor oil to treat wood probably isn't the safest option (kind of like how contractors always complain that modern materials don't use "the good stuff"). But okay, wood soaked in motor oil might not dry out rapidly.
I was, of course, familiar with pressure treated wood and retroactively adding copper green to regular lumber.
Online woodworkers seemed to point to boiled linseed oil as a safe alternative to 10w-30. Based on photos I dug up and will have to verify irl, it looks like the oil absorption is similar to copper green.
While the traditional process is oil-then-seal, I'd already sealed thrice over.
So it was annoying to see the so much oil be absorbed in what should be well-sealed wood.
Having named my Cragheart (rock character)
Dr. Rockzo, I shouldn't have been suprised to find a party member had accessorized my character card.
Meanwhile, the same crew has blasted through
seven months of Pandemic Legacy Season 0 in two sessions.
the infiltration and encirclement gameplay elements aren't particularly complex, they adds some nice month-to-month variety. As do the psychological evaluations upon which the team can never agree.
Elden Ring
The journey continues, some visuals:
Wen moon?
bye_stander |
Two apes die and are standing before the throne of God. One falls to his knees: "Lord, I've spent my life waiting for MOASS. I'm begging for the truth: when MOASS? when moon?"
A sigh comes from On High. "January 2021, a share went up thousands of percent - every media worldwide wrote about it. That was it"
Shaken, the ape turns to his companion. "Wow. The fuckery goes EVEN HIGHER than I thought!"
I don't have any investment discussion this time, but this comment made me chuckle. Okay and here's a callback to
a November post about
potential huge changes to states' ability to regulate firearms in public:
Decision 2022, etc.
| | | | |
I'm sold.
Skeeter didn't do it for ya?
Omg how awesome would the name Skeet Saacke be?
Tf is marijuana plastic?
| | | | |
This year's primaries weren't nearly as fun as
2016 or
2018, but at least we got a good "marijuana plastic" candidate in.
More web wanderings
m15o |
I've found the Winamp Skin Museum and it's been a fun trip. Winamp was such a landmark, distinctive software. A product of its age. We could download it, theme it, make it our own. It was also true for lots of software of that era.
I've idly spun the wheel on
that blog stumbler I linked a little while back and came upon
m15o.town. The minimalism, ascii art, and subject matter
really nails the Old Web, 2.0 vibe. And it loads content without javascript.
Nightfall City |
We can see it all from the top of the hills in Dusk's End. It's hard to tell apart the sky from the skyline, but locals enjoy the distance. The eerie city lights projected on the sky invite reverie and introspection. People from all over come watch the moment night falls from this scenic landmark.
It's linked from a webring with a similarly old school aesthetic called Nightfall City whose 'towns' are callbacks to dungeon crawler text.
Some posts from this site with similar content.
(and some select mainstream web). I haven't personally looked at them or checked them for quality, decency, or sanity. None of these links are promoted, sponsored, or affiliated with this site. For more information, see